Jammu and Kashmir: School students pray for those who lost their live in Uttarakhand glacier burst |Shamteeblog.

 Srinagar: Students of a school in Jammu on Monday offered prayers for those who lost their lives in the Uttarakhand glacier burst tragedy.

They also offered their prayers for those people who are still missing.

At Shiksha Niketan School some students held placards while others stood with folded hands, offering prayers, reports ANI.

Nandita Saini, a student, told ANI, "We have gathered here to offer prayers for the people who have lost their lives following the Uttarakhand glacier burst. May their souls rest in peace."

Teachers also joined their students in offering their prayers.

"I am really worried about the people who went missing, their families must be in a panic right now. I just hope they will be rescued at the soonest. We have gathered here to pray for all of them," Madhav Verma, another student, told ANI.

By Mpekuzi

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